Life Organized Podcast

Clear the chaos! Join Jenny Layton — professional organizer, productivity expert & life coach to learn real-life strategies to organize your life so you can focus on what matters most. Learn more at

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Tuesday Jan 31, 2023

How can your stop family members from being packrats.
Often, people don’t want to part with their things, even if it's time to move on from them. This can be pretty frustrating if you're trying to keep order in your home.
In this episode I share two simple tools — plus one bonus tip — for finding a a solution that works for everyone.
Get Organized Bootcamp
Life Organized Membership
Also, contact me if you would like information about personal coaching.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

It may surprise you to know that menu planning is one of the top things my clients want help with.
There is something about sitting down at night to a family meal that helps them feel like they are on top of their lives.
Research shows there are a whole lot of other important things happening as well. From academics and stronger family relationships to mental, social, physical and behavior health, family meals are important to prioritize….
…and one way to ensure they happen is through menu planning.
In today's episode I give you 3 tips to successful menu planning. Plus a bonus tip for when all your plans go out the window!
In This Episode:
Habit Hooks
Go-To Meals
Done is Better than Perfect
Life Organized Membership

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023

I had an interesting experience on the treadmill a few weeks ago.
I couldn’t realize why my runs were so hard – until I noticed that the incline setting was stuck. Even though the treadmill said I was running at no incline, the machine was stuck at level 10.
This made me think about more than just running.
Sometimes we don’t recognize that we are trying to keep up with everything even though in life we are on a level 10 incline. We expect things to happen as easily and effortlessly as they always do – and when they don’t, we can be awfully hard on ourselves. We can wonder what’s wrong with us, why other people seem to be able to get it all done, and worry that we’re never going to have what it takes.
But we don’t have to do it that way anymore. Not when we know how to detect the inclines in our lives, and not when we have the tools to know what to do about it.
In this episode I share 3 tools to help you when you are facing life on an incline.
In this episode, how to: 
Acknowledge the incline
Default to self-love instead of self-criticism
Do something about it
What do you need, what’s missing?
Life Organized Membership

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

All right, ready to learn about a quick organizing habit that is mindless and easy to implement – but powerful in preventing the buildup of clutter?
It’s a little tool called FIFO and stands for First In, First Out.
Today we’ll talk about how FIFO is your new mantra each time you bring something new into the house, because it leads you to automatically select something to get OUT of the house. 
This mindset is an easy way to avoid accumulating too much stuff – and with a little tweak can even help you get ahead of a clutter problem without making it into a big project.
Learn how to easily implement FIFO, and even adapt it to help you clear the clutter from your time and schedule.
FIFO is one of those powerful organizing habits we love because it requires very little effort while giving you great results. I hope you feel an instant connection with this tool and adopt it indefinitely!
Tools taught in this episode:
FIFO – First In, First Out
Clutter Busters 

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023

Ready for another great metaphor? Today I’ll compare pursuing your goals to sailing on a ship – and if that ship is leaky, you’re not going to be making it very far with those goals.
A disorganized life is a lot like a leaky ship – and until we seal up all the places disorganization is leaking into our lives, we will never really have the bandwidth to pursue the things that are really important to us.
So how do we organize our lives so we can have smoother sailing towards the things we really want to achieve? Well, you’ll definitely want to check out the Life Organized membership link below to learn more.
And if the membership isn’t a good fit for you, then just start to identify parts of your life that hold you back. If you are willing to slow down on your goals long enough to seal up these leaks in your life, you’ll be amazed at how much more joyful the journey of accomplishing your goals can be. 
Tools Mentioned:
The way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
Life Organized Membership 

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022

I am confessing something kind of embarrassing in this episode.
Historically, I have STRUGGLED with decorating.
(That is not an understatement. Just ask my husband)
But this December I attempted to update my holiday decorations and found unexpected success.
As I reflected about this, I realized that what had helped me can actually help you this year as you consider setting your New Year’s resolutions.
Listen, if there was something that could help me have some moderate success with decorating, then you can feel very encouraged that this same thing can help you with anything that might feel impossible to you.
There is a reason you desire it.
And there is a way to achieve it.
The proof is sitting in my Christmas bins.
Tools Mentioned:
You + what you want + the right tools = Success
Life Organized Membership

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

This is one of those episodes you are going to want to download, so you can re-listen when you get really busy…
…because during really busy times, like the holidays or the last few weeks of school before summer vacation, or when you are planning a big event or work project, or even when there are a lot of little everyday things that start to add up– it’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, stressed, resentful – and also possibly unmotivated, disinterested, depressed, and unhappy.
And those feelings are the LAST thing we have time for when we have a lot to do!
So in this episode I share two little game-changing questions you can ask yourself in these busy moments. The answers to these questions can change overwhelm to clarity; stress to peace of mind; lack of motivation to enthusiastic momentum.
Tools taught in this episode:
What do you need? What’s missing?
“Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance how much of ourselves we give away.” – Barbara De Angelis

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022

We work for weeks to create this special holiday for our families, hoping that with all the planning and shopping and wrapping and cooking and decorating we can enjoy a truly memorable day. 
But more often than not, we spend the day putting together toys, cleaning up all the wrapping paper and packaging, cooking those favorite Christmas foods in the kitchen, managing to the unexpected…
…Or else we relax all day, but face a mountain of overwhelming Christmas clutter the next day.
How about a few tips to help minimize the stress on the big day – and the days following -  so Christmas can be as magical for you as it is for the kids?
This year can be YOUR YEAR to love Christmas Day. No more stress and work while everyone else gets to sit back and enjoy.
Of course, because so much relies on us, that will take some planning ahead. So grab a pen and take some notes, because with a little bit of organization, you can always create an outcome you love!
In This Episode:
 Mentally create the kind of Christmas Day you’d like to have
Prep gifts before wrapping them
Assemble a Christmas morning kit
Provide everyone with containers for unwrapped gifts
Clean up wrapping as you go
Think ahead for photos
Choose a Christmas morning playlist
Precook Christmas meals
Bankers Boxes

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022

When you think of an organizing podcast, you probably think of exactly what you’ll hear in today’s episode. Today I am giving you the cliff notes version of organizing any enclosed space, like a pantry, closet, drawer or cabinet.
My organizing system takes each letter in the word CREATE to guide you through the process of organizing an enclosed space.
Following all of these steps – in order – will leave you with a project that is beautiful, functional, and long lasting. 
For a more in-depth training on this system, check out Organize Your Space.
Tools taught in this episode:
CREATE system of organizing
Organize your Space
Life Organized Membership

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022

Ever notice how during the summer or the holidays, everything seems to unravel?
The house is a mess.You aren’t getting anything done.Your own personal needs are on the back burner.
…and you start to feel a teensy bit overwhelmed. Or resentful. Or out of balance.
This used to be a big problem for me. 
My husband actually pointed out that I had breakdowns at predictable times each year. 
Well, where there is predictability, there is an opportunity to organize. And so I put on my coaching hat and began to look at seasons in a whole new way. 
Suddenly I recognized a pattern I hadn’t seen before. 
And with that new awareness, I began to transition through the summer, holidays, and other family times with ease and grace.
It’s a little concept I call personal and family seasons, and I can’t wait to share it with you in this episode.
Understanding personal and family seasons is the key to avoiding a messy house and feeling burned out when you have little time to yourself – or feeling guilty or irresponsible about focusing on things other than the family when you get deep into a different role in your life.
It’s a strategy I can’t live without. I hope you enjoy!
Tools taught in this episode:
Personal And Family Seasons

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